Live cook along with Adelaide - cooking Angolan Bean Soup

As part of our series of events celebrating Black History Month, every Wednesday at 12pm we will have a different member hosting an interactive online session, in which they will be looking at story-telling through food, exploring how recipes have changed through generations, the history of different herbs and spices and live cook-alongs. 

The first of these sessions will be on Wednesday 7th October, 12pm with Adelaide, where she will teach us how to make Angolan bean soup (Sopa de feijoa). In this interactive session Adelaide will be talking about her own story behind the dish.  Adelaide will be talking to us about Angolan food and showing us how to create a healthy delicious vegetarian version of this traditional meat based dish. Please register here to join the session.

Here are the ingredients which you will need for the session:

100g of dried rosecoco (borlotti) beans soaked overnight (or 1 tin, although Adelaide says dried taste best!)

3 tomatoes

1 small cabbage

Handful (approx 50g-0of pasta or rice

1 tablespoon of vegetable/sunflower/olive oil

2 onions

2 medium potatoes

2 carrots

Few sprigs of fresh thyme

Black pepper

Bay leaves

3 garlic cloves


Black History Month Events


Community planning meeting for Black History month